When we use hypnosis for therapy it is called hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is a physical state of deep relaxation and a heightened state of awareness of the mind.
This method helps tap into the subconscious mind, find the cause of your current challenges, and heal them. Healing the cause in the past is like letting go of the thoughts, releasing the emotions, changing perspectives, and shifting the energies that raise your consciousness.
Hypnotherapy helps resolve our current challenges by allowing us to ignore all distractions and be more open to the verbal cues and guided suggestions given by the hypnotherapist.
There are numerous misconceptions about hypnotherapy, mainly because of what’s shown in the movies. Hypnotherapy is a crucial tool in healing some of the deepest traumas.
❌ taking control of your mind
❌ making you do something against your will.
❌ getting stuck in the identity of your past.
❌ losing your consciousness.
❌ being unaware of your surroundings.
Hypnotherapy is your gateway to profound insights and lasting change. In our guided counseling sessions, you’ll unearth the roots of various challenges, from anxiety to phobias, to addiction and more, and discover tailored solutions that transform your life at its core. With Hypnotherapy, you’re not just scratching the surface – you’re delving deep within your boundless mind.
When everything feels overwhelming, out of control, and you feel helpless. Dive deeper with our certified therapists to find the root cause of your stress and anxiety.
Fears & Phobias are emotions of varying intensity and discomfort affecting our life. Hypnotherapy works with the root cause in the past to help bring in comfort and ease with the trigger in the present.
Addiction to substances happens when our mind associates it with intense emotions, and treats it as a gateway to escape reality. Hypnotherapy helps you quit for good.
Deep down, allergies come from an adverse association of a trigger with an unpleasant emotion. Hypnotherapy helps find the origin, and our therapists help you to heal the emotions connected to it.
Most chronic physical issues originate from an emotional or psychological trauma - rather than a physical one. Hypnotherapy helps dig deeper to bring forth the necessary shifts for a psychosomatic relief.
Sleep is a crucial aspect of your mind-body healing. Many struggle with too little or too much sleep. Hypnotherapy helps in resolving the underlying cause of your sleep issues.
Weight gain or loss is often caused by deeper emotional problems. Our therapists help you find the root cause of your weight issues and help you adapt to the changes necessary to take charge of your life.
Fear is felt as real even though reasons behind them may appear imaginary. Hypnotherapy unravels the answers by exploring your subconscious, follow by the necessary interventions to help you heal.
Accident & Trauma release is a scientifically designed therapy which helps in healing the unresolved residues of physical and emotional discomfort of an accident or medical surgery, even after the body has restored well being.
A relationship transcends from the space of love to pain due to numerous reasons. Hypnotherapy helps to resolve conflicts, emotional clashes and reinstate holistic well being in partner space.
Shifting behaviour requires a shift in homeostasis and coming out of our comfort zone. Hypnotherapy helps you to bring about desired behavioural resolution in a structured and scientific way.
Enhance your meditative state, experience growth is self-awareness, and develop a spiritual relationship with the universe - guided by our transformative therapists.
An Army veteran and integrative therapist, helping people navigate through the challenges of life. My decade in the Indian army taught me camaraderie. With the same spirit, I now work in the therapeutic space - helping you navigate the challenges of life.
An Army veteran and integrative therapist, helping people navigate through the challenges of life. My decade in the Indian army taught me camaraderie. With the same spirit, I now work in the therapeutic space - helping you navigate the challenges of life.
An Army veteran and integrative therapist, helping people navigate through the challenges of life. My decade in the Indian army taught me camaraderie. With the same spirit, I now work in the therapeutic space - helping you navigate the challenges of life.
Jayantha M
Imthiyaz Ahmed C
Mukesh Gupta
Habiba Taranum Khaleel
Upma Pant
krithika akkaraju